Image Segmentation API

These classes provide image segmentation algorithm. Defined in src/imgproc/ChanVeseSegmenter.h, src/imgproc/SLICSegmenter.h and src/imgproc/LRACSegmenter.h

class SLICSegmenter : public TObject

Public Functions


Class constructor: initialize structures.

virtual ~SLICSegmenter()

Class destructor: free allocated memory.

Public Static Functions

static int FindSegmentation(SLICData const &slicData, SLICData &segmSlicData, double SPMergingRegularization, bool use2ndNeighborsInSPMerging, int minMergedSP = 1, double SPMergingRatio = 0.3, double SPMergingMaxDissRatio = 1000, double SPMergingMaxDissRatio_2nd = 1.05, double SPMergingDissThreshold = 3, bool SPMergingIncludeSpatialPars = true, bool SPMergingUseRobustPars = false, bool SPMergingUseCurvDist = true)

Merge the superpixels (main methods)

class ChanVeseSegmenter : public TObject

Public Functions


Class constructor.


Class destructor.

Public Static Functions

static Image *FindSegmentation(Image *img, Image *initSegmImg = 0, bool returnContourImg = false, double dt = 0.1, double h = 1, double lambda1 = 1.0, double lambda2 = 2.0, double mu = 0.5, double nu = 0, double p = 1, long int nIterations = 1000, double tol = 1.e-2, long int nIterationsInner = 1, long int nIterationsReInit = 10)

Find the ChanVese segmentation of input image.

static void SetCheckerBoardLevelSet(TMatrixD *M, double square_size = 10)

Set level set to checker board model.

static void SetCircleLevelSet(TMatrixD *M)

Set level set to circle model.

struct CVdata
struct CVsetup
class LRACSegmenter : public TObject

Public Functions


Class constructor.


Class destructor.

Public Static Functions

static Image *FindSegmentation(Image *img, Image *initSegmImg, int iterations = 1000, double lambda = 0.1, double radius = 1, double eps = 1.e-2)

Find the ChanVese segmentation of input image.