Gaussian Filter

This class provides methods to apply a gaussian filter to an image. Defined in src/imgfilt/GausFilter.h

class Caesar::GausFilter : public TObject

Public Functions


Class constructor: initialize structures.

virtual ~GausFilter()

Class destructor: free allocated memory.

Public Static Functions

static Image *GetGausFilter(Image *image, double bmaj, double bmin, double bpa, int nSigmas = 5, double scale = 1)

Return gaussian-filtered image.

NB: If image is in Jy/beam the flux are not normalized properly. Normalization factor (see CASA should be f/A, where f=beamArea_final/beamArea_orig and A=2 pi sigma_x sigma_y. Here, the normalization factor is 1/A. TO BE DONE: Add method to compute the final beam area.