Blob/Source API

These classes define image pixel data structure. Defined in src/imgproc/Pixel.h

class Caesar::Pixel : public TObject

Public Types

enum PixelType

Pixel type.


enumerator eNormal
enumerator eSeed
enumerator eHalo

Public Functions


Class constructor: initialize structures.

Pixel(long int _gbin, long int _ix, long int _iy, double _x, double _y, double _S)

Parametric constructor.

Pixel(const Pixel &pixel)

Copy constructor.

virtual ~Pixel()

Class destructor: free allocated memory.

Pixel &operator=(const Pixel &pixel)

Assignment Operator.

inline bool operator==(const Pixel &pixel) const

Equality Operator.

inline bool operator<(const Pixel &pixel) const

< Operator

inline int AddPixelFlux(Pixel *aPixel)

Sum pixel.

void Copy(TObject &pixel) const

Copy method.

inline void SetPhysCoords(double xx, double yy)

Set physical coordinates.

inline void SetCoords(long int i, long int j)

Set coordinates.

inline void SetBkg(double bkg, double noise)

Set bkg and rms value.

inline void SetCurv(double val)

Set curvature information.

inline void SetEdge(double val)

Set edgeness information.

inline std::pair<double, double> GetBkg()

Get bkg and noise.

inline double GetCurv()

Get curvature information.

inline double GetEdge()

Get edgeness information.

inline void Print()

Dump pixel info.

This class defines contour (point collection) data structure. Defined in src/imgproc/Contour.h

class Caesar::Contour : public TObject

Public Functions


Class constructor: initialize structures.

Contour(const Contour &contour)

Copy constructor.

virtual ~Contour()

Class destructor: free allocated memory.

Contour &operator=(const Contour &contour)

Assignment Operator.

void Copy(TObject &contour) const

Copy method.

inline int GetN()

Get number of points.

inline bool HasPoints()

Check if contour has points.

inline void SetPoints(Points p)

Set contour points.

inline Points GetPoints()

Get contour points.

inline TVector2 *GetPoint(int i)

Get contour point with given index.

TVector2 *FindPoint(double x, double y, double tol = 0)

Find point (with tolerance)

bool IsPointInsideContour(double x, double y)

Check if point is inside contour.

int ApplyOffset(double offsetX, double offsetY)

Apply offset to points and centroid.

inline int GetPointXY(double &x, double &y, int i)

Get contour point x & y.

inline void AddPoint(TVector2 p)

Add contour points.

inline int SortPointsCounterClockWise()

Sort points counter-clockwise.

inline void Reset()

Reset contour.

TGraph *GetGraph(bool addLastPoint = true)

Return a graph object with contour points.

TPolyLine *GetBoundingBoxLine()

Return a polyline object with bounding box.

TPaveText *GetParamInfoBox()

Return a info box with parameter values.

int ComputeParameters()

Compute contour parameters.

void ComputeShapeParams(std::vector<cv::Point2f> const &points)

Compute shape parameters.

void ComputeMomentParams(std::vector<cv::Point2f> const &points)

Compute moments pars.

int ComputeFittedEllipse()

Compute fitted ellipse.

TEllipse *GetFittedEllipse()

Return an ellipse object fitted to contour.

void ComputeFourierDescriptors()

Compute Fourier descriptors.

void ComputeCentroidDistanceFD()

Compute centroid distance FD.

void ComputeBendingEnergy()

Compute bending energy.

inline void Dump()


inline void Log(std::string level = "INFO")


inline std::string GetPrintable()


This class defines an image blob data structure. Defined in src/imgproc/Blob.h

class Caesar::Blob : public TNamed

Subclassed by Caesar::Region, Caesar::Source

Public Functions


Class constructor: initialize structures.

Blob(std::string name)

Parametric constructor.

Blob(std::vector<Pixel*> const &pixels, std::string name = "")

Parametric constructor.

Blob(const Blob &blob)

Copy constructor.

virtual ~Blob()

Class destructor: free allocated memory.

Blob &operator=(const Blob &blob)

Assignment Operator.

void Copy(TObject &blob) const

Copy method.

inline void SetId(int id)

Set blob id.

inline void SetName(std::string name)

Set blob name.

inline bool IsAtEdge()

Is blob at image edge.

inline void SetEdgeFlag(bool choice)

Set edge flag.

inline int SetImageMetaData(ImgMetaData *data, double crpix1Offset = 0, double crpix2Offset = 0)

Set image metadata.

inline ImgMetaData *GetImageMetaData()

get image metadata

inline bool HasImageMetaData()

Set image metadata.

inline long int GetNPixels()

Get number of pixels.

inline const PixelCollection &GetPixels() const

Get pixel collection.

inline void SetPixels(PixelCollection &pixels)

Set pixel collection.

int AddPixel(Pixel *pixel, bool makeCopy = false)

Add a pixel to collection.

inline bool HasPixels()

Has pixels stored?

inline Pixel *GetPixel(int index)

Get access to pixel by index.

inline std::vector<int> GetSeedPixelIndexes()

Get access to seed pixel indexes.

inline Pixel *GetSeedPixel()

Find and return largest-significance seed pixel.

inline void MarkHaloPixels(double ZThr)

Mark pixels with significance within given thresholds as halo pixels.

int ComputeStats(bool computeRobustStats = true, bool forceRecomputing = false, bool useParallelMedian = false)

Compute stats.

inline bool HasStats()

Has stats?

inline void SetHasStats(bool value)

Has stats?

int ComputeMorphologyParams()

Compute morphology parameters.

int ComputeZernikeMoments(int order = 6)

Compute Zernike moments.

inline bool HasParameters()

Has morphology parameters computed.

inline void SetHasParameters(bool value)

Set has morphology pars.

inline double GetM1()

Get 1st pixel moment (= mean)

inline void SetM1(double value)

Set 1st pixel moment (= mean)

inline double GetM2()

Get 2nd pixel moment.

inline void SetM2(double value)

Set 2nd pixel moment.

inline double GetM3()

Get 3rd pixel moment.

inline void SetM3(double value)

Set 3rd pixel moment.

inline double GetM4()

Get 4th pixel moment.

inline void SetM4(double value)

Set 4th pixel moment.

inline double GetM1Curv()

Get 1st pixel curvature moment (= mean)

inline void SetM1Curv(double value)

Set 1st pixel curvature moment (= mean)

inline double GetM2Curv()

Get 2nd pixel curvature moment.

inline void SetM2Curv(double value)

Set 2nd pixel curvature moment.

inline double GetS()

Get pixel flux sum.

inline void SetS(double value)

Set pixel flux sum.

inline double GetSmax() const

Get pixel flux max.

inline void SetSmax(double value)

Set pixel flux max.

inline double GetSmin() const

Get pixel flux min.

inline void SetSmin(double value)

Set pixel flux min.

inline double GetSxx()

Get pixel flux XX correlation.

inline void SetSxx(double value)

Set pixel flux XX correlation.

inline double GetSyy()

Get pixel flux YY correlation.

inline void SetSyy(double value)

Get pixel flux YY correlation.

inline double GetSxy()

Get pixel flux XY correlation.

inline void SetSxy(double value)

Set pixel flux XY correlation.

inline double GetSx()

Get pixel flux sum weighted by position x.

inline void SetSx(double value)

Set pixel flux sum weighted by position x.

inline double GetSy()

Get pixel flux sum weighted by position y.

inline void SetSy(double value)

Set pixel flux sum weighted by position y.

inline long int GetSmaxPixId()

Get id of maximum flux pixel.

inline void SetSmaxPixId(long int value)

Set id of maximum flux pixel.

inline long int GetSminPixId()

Get id of minimum flux pixel.

inline void SetSminPixId(long int value)

Set id of minimum flux pixel.

inline double GetScurv()

Get pixel sum of curvature.

inline void SetScurv(double value)

Set pixel sum of curvature.

inline double GetSedge()

Get pixel sum of edgeness.

inline void SetSedge(double value)

Set pixel sum of edgeness.

inline void GetSourceRange(float &xmin, float &xmax, float &ymin, float &ymax)

Get source x-y range.

inline long int GetXmin()

Get source pixel x_min.

inline long int GetXmax()

Get source pixel x_max.

inline long int GetYmin()

Get source pixel y_min.

inline long int GetYmax()

Get source pixel y_max.

inline void SetSourceRange(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax)

Set source x-y range.

inline void GetSourcePixelRange(long int &ixmin, long int &ixmax, long int &iymin, long int &iymax)

Get source pixel coordinate range.

inline long int GetIxMin()

Get source pixel ix_min.

inline long int GetIxMax()

Get source pixel ix_max.

inline long int GetIyMin()

Get source pixel iy_min.

inline long int GetIyMax()

Get source pixel iy_max.

inline void SetSourcePixelRange(long int ixmin, long int ixmax, long int iymin, long int iymax)

Set source pixel coordinate range.

int GetSampleStdDev(double &sigmaX, double &sigmaY, double &covXY)

Get sample source standard deviations.

inline void Print()

Dump blob info.

Image *GetImage(ImgType mode, int pixMargin = 1, bool includeHaloPixels = false)

Generate an image from source pixel.

TH2D *GetWCSHisto(ImgType mode, int pixMargin = 1, int coordSyst = -1)

Generate an image from source pixel.

Image *GetNestedBlobMask(Image *sourceImage = 0, int pixMargin = 1, double nestedBlobMinScale = 1, double nestedBlobMaxScale = 3, double nestedBlobScaleStep = 1, double nestedBlobPeakZThr = 5, double nestedBlobPeakZMergeThr = 2.5, int NMinPix = 5, double nestedBlobThrFactor = 0, double nestedBlobKernFactor = 6)

Get blob mask.

inline bool HasContours()

Has contours.

inline std::vector<Contour*> GetContours()

Return contours.

NB: Do not delete pointers.

inline Contour *GetContour(int index)

Return contour with index.

std::vector<Contour*> GetWCSContours(WCS *wcs = 0, int coordSystem = -1, double pixOffset = 0, bool computePars = false, bool castCoordsToInt = false)

Return contours converted in WCS.

Contour *GetWCSContour(int index, WCS *wcs = 0, int coordSystem = -1, double pixOffset = 0, bool computePars = false, bool castCoordsToInt = false)

Return contour with index and convert to WCS.

inline void AddContour(Contour *aContour)

Add contour.

bool IsPointOnContour(double x, double y, double tol = 1)

Is point on contour?

inline double GetBkgSum()

Get bkg sum.

inline double GetBkgRMSSum()

Get bkg rms sum.

inline void SetBkgSum(double bkg)


inline void SetBkgRMSSum(double rms)

Set bkg rms sum (USED BY SERIALIZER)

inline bool HasBoxBkgInfo()

Check if bkg info in a box around the blob has ben set.

inline void SetHasBoxBkgInfo(bool flag)

Set has box bkg info flag (USED BY SERIALIZER)

inline double GetBoxBkg()

Get bkg estimate in a box around the blob.

inline double GetBoxBkgRMS()

Get bkg rms estimate in a box around the blob.

inline void SetBoxBkgInfo(double bkg, double rms)

Set bkg and rms estimate in a box around the blob.

inline WCS *GetWCS(int coordSystem = -1)

Get WCS from stored metadata (TO BE DEPRECATED)

Get WCS from stored metadata

This class defines a source data structure. Defined in src/imgproc/Source.h and inheriting from Blob class.

class Caesar::Source : public Caesar::Blob

Public Functions


Class constructor: initialize structures.

Source(std::string name)

Parametric constructor.

Source(std::vector<Pixel*> const &pixels, std::string name = "")

Parametric constructor.

Source(const Source &source)

Copy constructor.

virtual ~Source()

Class destructor: free allocated memory.

Source &operator=(const Source &source)

Assignment Operator.

void Copy(TObject &source) const

Copy method.

inline void SetType(SourceType choice)

Set source type.

inline void SetFlag(SourceFlag choice)

Set source flag.

inline void SetSimType(SimSourceType choice)

Set source sim type.

inline void SetSimMaxScale(float val)

Set source sim max scale.

inline void SetBeamFluxIntegral(double val)

Set beam flux integral.

inline double GetBeamFluxIntegral()

Get beam flux integral.

inline bool IsGoodSource()

Is a “good” source.

inline void SetGoodSourceFlag(bool flag)

Set source as “good”.

inline void SetDepthLevel(int level)

Set source depth level (0=mother, 1=nested)

inline int GetDepthLevel()

Get source depth level (0=mother, 1=nested)

inline void AddNestedSource(Source *aNestedSource)

Add nested sources.

inline bool HasNestedSources()

Has nested sources?

inline void SetHasNestedSources(bool val)

Set has nested sources.

inline std::vector<Source*> &GetNestedSources()

Get nested sources.

inline int ClearNestedSources()

Clear nested sources.

inline int SetNestedSources(std::vector<Source*> &sources, bool clear_existing = true)

Set nested sources.

inline int GetNestedSourceNumber()

Get nested source number.

inline Source *GetNestedSource(int index)

Get nested source.

int FindNestedSources(std::vector<Source*> &nestedSources, double nestedBlobMinScale = 1, double nestedBlobMaxScale = 3, double nestedBlobScaleStep = 1, double nestedBlobPeakZThr = 5, double nestedBlobPeakZMergeThr = 2.5, int minPixels = 5, double nestedBlobThrFactor = 0, double nestedBlobKernFactor = 6, double minNestedMotherDist = 2, double maxMatchingPixFraction = 0.5)

Find nested sources.

void Draw(bool drawBoundingBox = false, bool drawFittedEllipse = false, bool drawNested = false, int lineColor = kBlack, int lineStyle = kSolid)

Draw contours.

int Draw(int pixMargin = 0, ImgType imgType = eFluxMap, bool drawImage = true, bool drawContours = true, bool drawNested = true, bool drawFitComponents = true, int lineColor = kBlack, int lineStyle = kSolid, bool useWCS = false, int coordSyst = 0)

Draw source.

const std::string GetDS9Region(bool dumpNestedSourceInfo = false, bool convertToWCS = false, WCS *wcs = 0, int coordSystem = -1)

Get DS9 region info.

const std::string GetDS9EllipseRegion(bool dumpNestedSourceInfo = false)

Get DS9 ellipse info.

const std::string GetDS9FittedEllipseRegion(bool useFWHM = true, bool dumpNestedSourceInfo = false, bool convertToWCS = false, WCS *wcs = 0, int coordSystem = -1, bool useWCSSimpleConversion = true)

Get DS9 fitted ellipse info.

inline std::string GetDS9RegionColor()

Get DS9 region color according to source type.

inline std::string GetDS9RegionTag()

Get DS9 region tag according to source type.

inline void Print()

Dump source info.

inline bool IsInsideSource(Source *aSource)

Is source inside given source.

inline bool IsAtBoxEdge(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax)

Check if source share boundary with given box.

inline bool HasBoxOverlap(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax)

Is source inside given box.

bool CheckBoxOverlapping(Source*)

Check if this source bounding box overlaps with another given source.

bool IsAdjacentSource(Source *aSource)

Check if this source is adjacent to another given source.

int MergeSource(Source *aSource, bool copyPixels = false, bool checkIfAdjacent = true, bool computeStatPars = true, bool computeMorphPars = true, bool sumMatchingPixels = false)

Merge this source with given source.

long int GetNMatchingPixels(std::vector<Pixel*> &matching_pixels, Source *aSource, bool sorted = false)

Get collection of matching pixels between this and another source.

inline long int GetNMatchingPixels(Source *aSource, bool sorted = false)

Get number of matching pixels between this and another source.

bool FindSourceMatchByOverlapArea(SourceOverlapMatchPars &pars, const std::vector<Source*> &sources, float overlapThr)

Find source match in a collection by overlapping area.

bool FindSourceMatchByPos(std::vector<SourcePosMatchPars> &pars, const std::vector<Source*> &sources, float posThr)

Find source match in a collection by position.

float GetCentroidDistance(Source *aSource)

Get distance in pixels between source centroids.

int Fit(SourceFitOptions &fitOptions)

Fit source with a multi-component gaussian model.

int Fit(SourceFitOptions &fitOptions, SourceFitPars &initfitPars)

Fit source with a multi-component gaussian model using provided start fit parameters.

inline void SetTrueInfo(double S_true, double X0_true, double Y0_true)

Set true source info.

inline bool HasTrueInfo()

Has true source info.

inline double GetTrueFlux()

Get true source flux.

inline void GetTruePos(double &x, double &y)

Get true source position.

inline bool HasFitInfo()

Has fit info.

inline void SetHasFitInfo(bool flag)

Set Has fit info (for serialization scopes)

inline SourceFitPars &GetFitPars()

Get fit pars.

inline void SetFitPars(SourceFitPars &fitPars)

Set fit pars (for serialization scopes)

inline int SetFitComponentFlag(int componentId, int flag)

Set fit component flag.

inline int GetFitComponentFlag(int &flag, int componentId)

Get fit component flag.

inline int GetFitStatus()

Get fit status.

inline void SetFitStatus(int fitStatus)

Set fit status (for serialization scopes)

inline int GetFluxDensity(double &fluxDensity)

Get integrated flux density.

inline int GetFluxDensityErr(double &fluxDensityErr)

Get integrated flux density error.

inline int GetFitQuality()

Get fit quality flag.

inline int GetCondonComponentFluxDensityErr(std::vector<double> &fluxDensityErrList)

Get integrated flux density error on components according to Condon (1997) formula 14.

int GetFitEllipses(std::vector<TEllipse*> &fitEllipses, bool useFWHM = true, bool convertToWCS = false, WCS *wcs = 0, int coordSystem = -1, double pixOffset = 0, bool useWCSSimpleConversion = true)

Get fit ellipses.

inline int GetNFitComponents()

Get number of fit components.

inline int GetNSelFitComponents()

Get number of selected fit components.

int FindComponentPeaks(std::vector<ImgPeak> &peaks, double peakZThr = 0, int maxPeaks = -1, int peakShiftTolerance = 2, std::vector<int> kernels = {3, 5, 7}, int peakKernelMultiplicityThr = 1, bool invertSearch = false)

Find component peaks.

int FindBlendedComponents(std::vector<Source*> &deblendedComponents, std::vector<ImgPeak> &deblendedPeaks, double peakZThr = 0, int maxPeaks = -1, double sigmaMin = 3, double sigmaMax = 3, double sigmaStep = 1, int minBlobSize = 5, double thrFactor = 0, int kernelFactor = 1, int pixMargin = 10)

Find blended source components.

inline int GetWCSPos(double &xwcs, double &ywcs, WCS *wcs = 0, int coordSystem = eJ2000)

Return source position in WCS coordinates.

inline int GetWCSWeightedPos(double &xwcs, double &ywcs, WCS *wcs = 0, int coordSystem = eJ2000)

Return signal-weighted source position in WCS coordinates.

inline int GetWCSSourceRange(double &xmin_wcs, double &xmax_wcs, double &ymin_wcs, double &ymax_wcs, WCS *wcs = 0, int coordSystem = eJ2000)

Return bounding box in WCS coordinates.

std::string GetIAUName(bool useWeightedPos = false, WCS *wcs = 0, int coordSystem = eJ2000)

Return source name following IAU convention.

int GetSpectralAxisInfo(double &val, double &dval, std::string &units)

Return spectral axis info.

inline bool HasSpectralIndexData()

Has spectral index data.

inline void SetHasSpectralIndexData(bool val)

Set has spectral index data flag.

inline SpectralIndexData &GetSpectralIndexData()

Get spectral index data.

inline void SetSpectralIndexData(SpectralIndexData &data)

Set spectral index data.

inline bool HasComponentSpectralIndexData()

Has component spectral index data.

inline void SetHasComponentSpectralIndexData(bool val)

Set has spectral index data flag.

inline std::vector<SpectralIndexData> &GetComponentSpectralIndexData()

Get component spectral index data.

inline void SetComponentSpectralIndexData(std::vector<SpectralIndexData> &data)

Set component spectral index data.

inline bool HasAstroObjects()

Has astro object data.

inline void SetHasAstroObjects(bool choice)

Has astro object data.

inline std::vector<AstroObject> &GetAstroObjects()

Get astro objects data.

inline void SetAstroObjects(std::vector<AstroObject> &data)

Set astro objects data.

int AddAstroObject(AstroObject &astroObject)

Add astro objects data.

inline bool HasComponentAstroObjects()

Has component astro object data.

inline void SetHasComponentAstroObjects(bool choice)

Has astro object data.

inline std::vector<std::vector<AstroObject>> &GetComponentAstroObjects()

Get astro objects data.

inline void SetComponentAstroObjects(std::vector<std::vector<AstroObject>> &data)

Set astro objects data.

int AddComponentAstroObject(int componentIndex, AstroObject &astroObject)

Add component astro objects data.

int ComputeObjClassId()

Compute object class id from astro object data (if available)

int ComputeComponentObjClassId()

Compute component object class id from astro object data (if available)

inline bool IsResolved_XXLSurveyMethod(double p0 = 1.08, double p1 = 2.03)

Compute if source island is resolved according to XXL survey criterion.

inline bool IsComponentResolved_XXLSurveyMethod(int componentId, double p0 = 1.08, double p1 = 2.03)

Compute if source fit component is resolved according to XXL survey criterion.

This class defines a source cube (source at different frequency channels) data structure. Defined in src/imgproc/SourceCube.h

class Caesar::SourceCube : public TNamed

Public Functions


Class constructor: initialize structures.

SourceCube(std::string name)

Parametric constructor.

virtual ~SourceCube()

Class destructor: free allocated memory.

SourceCube(const SourceCube &scube)

Copy constructor.

SourceCube &operator=(const SourceCube &scube)

Assignment Operator.

void Copy(TObject &scube) const

Copy method.

inline int GetSize()

Get cube size.

inline int GetNMatches()

Get number of matches.

inline int AddSource(Source *aSource)

Add source to cube.

inline void AddComponentMatch()

Add component.

int AddIndexToComponent(int cubeComponentIndex, size_t sindex, size_t componentIndex)

Add index to existing component.

int DoSourceImagePlot(bool useWCS = true, int coordSyst = 0)

Draw source images.

int DoSourceSEDs()

Draw source SEDs.