Graphics Utilities

These classes define image graphics utility methods. Defined in src/utils/GraphicsUtils.h and src/utils/ImgUtils.h

class Caesar::GraphicsUtils : public TObject

Public Functions


Class constructor: initialize structures.

virtual ~GraphicsUtils()

Class destructor: free allocated memory.

Public Static Functions

static void SetPalette(int paletteStyle, int ncolors = 999)

Get palette code.

static int SetThermalPalette(int ncolors = 999)

Set thermal palette.

static int SetHotColdPalette(int ncolors = 999)

Set hot-to-cold palette.

static int SetColdHotPalette(int ncolors = 999)

Set cold-to-hot palette.

static int SetBWPalette(int ncolors = 999)

Setblack & white palette.

static int SetWCSAxis(Image *img, TGaxis &xaxis, TGaxis &yaxis, int coordSystem = -1, bool useImageCoords = true)

Set WCS axis.

static int SetWCSProjGrid(Image *img, std::vector<TPolyLine> &gridx, std::vector<TPolyLine> &gridy, int coordSystem)

Set WCS proj grid.

static Image *FindImageFromPad()

Retrieve image from pad.

static int PadUpdater()

Update pad.

static int PadUpdater_PhysCoords()

Update pad (version without image coordinates)

static int UpdateGAxis(bool useImageCoords = true)

Update ROOT canvas gaxis.

class Caesar::ImgUtils : public TObject

Public Functions

inline ImgUtils()


inline virtual ~ImgUtils()


Public Static Functions

static Image *GetCircleLevelSetImage(long int nX, long int nY, double f = 0.1)

Get image with single circle level set.

static Image *GetCheckerBoardLevelSetImage(long int nX, long int nY, double f = 0.1)

Get image with checker board level set.