Astronomy Utilities

These classes define astronomical utility methods. Defined in src/utils/AstroUtils.h

class Caesar::AstroUtils : public TObject

Public Functions


Class constructor: initialize structures.

virtual ~AstroUtils()

Class destructor: free allocated memory.

Public Static Functions

static int GetIAUCoords(std::string &iau, const std::string &s)

Get IAU naming from WCS string coordinates.

static int WCSToPixelCoords(double &ix, double &iy, WCS *wcs, double xpos, double ypos)

Get image coordinates corresponding to WCS coordinates.

static int PixelToWCSCoords(double &xpos, double &ypos, WCS *wcs, double ix, double iy)

Get WCS coordinates corresponding to image coordinates.

static int PixelToWCSStrCoords(std::string &wcs_str, WCS *wcs, double ix, double iy, int max_str_length = 4096)

Get WCS coordinates in string format corresponding to image coordinates.

static int PixelToWCSCoords(Caesar::Image *image, WCS *wcs, double ix, double iy, double &xpos, double &ypos, bool useImageCoords = true)

Get WCS coordinates corresponding to image coordinates.

static int PixelToWCSStrCoords(Caesar::Image *image, WCS *wcs, double ix, double iy, std::string &wcs_str, bool useImageCoords = true, int max_str_length = 4096)

Get WCS coordinates in string format corresponding to image coordinates.

static int PixelToWCSCoords(Caesar::Image *image, double ix, double iy, double &xpos, double &ypos, int coordSystem = -1, bool useImageCoords = true)

Get WCS coordinates corresponding to image coordinates.

static int PixelToWCSStrCoords(Caesar::Image *image, double ix, double iy, std::string &wcs_pos, int coordSystem = -1, bool useImageCoords = true, int max_str_length = 4096)

Get WCS coordinates in string format corresponding to image coordinates.

static inline double GetBeamArea(double Bmaj, double Bmin)

Get beam area from BMAJ, BMIN.

static inline double GetBeamAreaInPixels(double Bmaj, double Bmin, double dX, double dY)

Get beam area in pixels given Bmaj, Bmin and pixel sizes (dx, dy) in deg.

static inline int GetBeamWidthInPixels(double Bmaj, double Bmin, double dX, double dY)

Get beam width in pixels given Bmaj, Bmin and pixel sizes (dx, dy) in deg.

static Contour *PixelToWCSContour(Contour *contour, WCS *wcs, double pixOffset = 0, bool castCoordsToInt = false)

Convert contour from pixel coordinates to sky coordinates.

static int PixelToWCSContours(std::vector<Contour*> &contours_wcs, std::vector<Contour*> const &contours, WCS *wcs, double pixOffset = 0, bool castCoordsToInt = false)

Convert contour list from pixel coordinates to sky coordinates.

static TEllipse *PixelToWCSEllipse(TEllipse *ellipse, WCS *wcs, double pixOffset = 0)

Convert ellipse from pixel coordinates to sky coordinates.

static TEllipse *PixelToWCSEllipseSimple(TEllipse *ellipse, WCS *wcs, double pixOffset = 0)

Convert ellipse from pixel coordinates to sky coordinates neglecting sky projection and assuming Euclidean distances.

static TEllipse *GetBeamDeconvolvedEllipse(TEllipse *ellipse, TEllipse *beam)

Compute ellipse deconvolved from ellipse beam.

static int GetBeamDeconvolvedEllipsePars(double &bmaj_deconv, double &bmin_deconv, double &bpa_deconv, double bmaj, double bmin, double bpa, double bmaj_beam, double bmin_beam, double bpa_beam)

Compute ellipse pars deconvolved from ellipse beam.

static double GetWCSPointDist_Haversine(double ra1, double dec1, double ra2, double dec2)

Compute WCS beam ellipse pars from pixel ellipse pars.

Get distance (in degrees) between two points on the sky using Haversine formula

static double GetWCSPointDist_Vincenty(double ra1, double dec1, double ra2, double dec2)

Get distance (in degrees) between two points on the sky using Vincenty formula.

static double GetWCSPointBearing(double ra1, double dec1, double ra2, double dec2)

Get point bearing (in degrees) between two points on the sky.

static std::string EllipseToDS9Region(TEllipse *ellipse, std::string text = "", std::string color = "white", std::vector<std::string> tags = {}, double pixOffset = 0)

Convert ellipse to DS9 format.

static std::string ContourToDS9Region(Contour *contour, std::string text = "", std::string color = "white", std::vector<std::string> tags = {}, bool useImageCoords = true, double pixOffset = 0)

Convert contour to DS9 format.

static std::string GetDS9WCSTypeHeader(int coordSys)

Returns DS9 WCS type header from flag.